
Beautiful yet functional watchface with a hour-by-hour weather forecast, step counter, health and heartrate.

Weathergraph on Pebble

๐Ÿ”‘ Unlock PRO features for Pebble

  • Unlock precise Dark Sky forecast data
  • Get premium themes and customization options
  • Support Weathergraph development

You will be able to activate all of your current and future Pebble watches with this single payment.

Need to activate Weathergraph on a new Pebble?

Just copy your Pebble account id to the above field, click Continue โ†’, and send yourself an email with activation link.

You will find Pebble account id at the bottom of Weathergraph settings page.

Cannot find the Pebble account id at the bottom of Weathergraph settings screen?

Please e-mail me — thanks!

โ“ Questions and answers

What is Weathergraph's Privacy Policy and Terms of use? #

See Weathergraph Privacy policy and Terms of Use

Why pay for Dark Sky when some apps just let users enter their developer key? #

Dark Sky developer keys are not meant to be used to work around their pricing. Dark Sky is an awesome service, backed by a lot of work, and I believe the guys and girls running it deserve to be paid. That's why Weathergraph is properly using their paid API and paying for the use.
Thanks for considering. ~Tomas

What are your plans with Dark Sky service, which has been acquired by Apple? #

Dark Sky has promised their API will function until the end of 2021.
Meanwhile I have several candidates for a replacement service, and I am evaluating them in order to seamlessly switch the apps to a new forecast service.

I have another question:
โœ‰๏ธ E-mail me :). Thanks!